Friday, December 9, 2022

If I said to you, please sing the song ‘Hopelessly Devoted To You’…. we all know instinctively this was one of the moments in the movie ‘Grease’ that Olivia Newton John provided such a massive gift as part of her legacy. here is the movie version. 


What you may not know is that at the 2022 American Music Awards which I admittedly did not watch…….’Pink’, the singer, sang one version of this iconic song in tribute to Olivia….and I will go so far as to say it is also a version for the ages. (click here to view this on YouTube).


Every generation produces an abundance of talent in acting, singing, dancing, etc. and in real estate. The question is for 2023 who will be amongst the highest performers in real estate? who will hit or surpass their goals? Who will stand apart from the crowd and defy the markets downward trending? I believe it could be 100% of the team/family members of Realty Pro 100. If you agree then you are choosing to believe and if you don’t believe it’s possible, well, then I respect that we have differing ambitions or beliefs. 


In the past five decades, the ‘80’s, ‘90’s, the first ten years of the new millennium, the 2nd 10 years of the current millennium, or the current 10 years we are in – there are people who have surpassed everyone’s expectations and there are those who failed to deliver……and most people live somewhere in the range from getting by to building a nice success that is not extra-ordinary, yet is success defined nonetheless. 


The choices are not made for you. No one can succeed by the wishes of others. It requires hard work and discipline as we all know. It’s not often fun and at times it can be downright frustrating working to separate yourself into a new higher level of success and achievements. It’s all a part of life. No one succeeds every day, and no one fails every day……and we often are okay to just survive a particular day living to fight harder the next day. 


Olivia Newton John performed ‘Hopelessly Devoted to You’ for the 1978 super colossal success ‘Grease’ in Robert Stigwood’s follow up to his amazingly successful 1977 ‘Saturday Night Fever’…..and interestingly enough John Travolta was in both. Vinnie Barbarino the role Travolta had on Welcome Back Kotter – had transitioned into a Hollywood Movie Star. Unlike today wherein so many movie stars from Stallone, Harrison Ford and Costner are taking to the small screen. Something that back in the day might spell the end of your movie career. 


Joanne and I had two opportunities to see Olivia perform……the first time she hit it out of the park….and we were at a smaller venue and had very close up seats. She was a true professional and a classy person. Months later we had another chance to see her and we didn’t hesitate to go……unfortunately that night, she had just returned from a tour of South America and was by her own admission not feeling well…..her voice crackled on the first song, she gave a 2nd song a chance, and then turned to the audience and shared what she was enduring……that she took full responsibility for what happened, offered to stay and answer any and all questions, do a meet and greet for some….and offered to come back at a later time and honor the show tickets….such a powerful thing to do and won us over even though we were terribly disappointed to not here her angelic voice that evening. The next year when she did follow up and we were invited to attend the make-up show……Joanne and I were going to be in NYC, so we missed the follow up……. but always thought great things of this powerhouse professional. 


Olivia bravely faced and battled cancer for some 3 decades and started her own treatment center in her home country of Australia. . She was open about it; she was authentic and everyone potentially benefited from her days on this planet. Olivia was one of a kind…..a highly accomplished – down to earth and approachable super star. And I for one am not embarrassed to say that I like many types of music from heavy metal, hard rock, pop, and just about everything Olivia sang including the songs that ‘tough guys’ and ‘accomplished men’ of a certain time and place might not be okay with admitting. But I am good with it.


This is a really good interview about her on NBC back in 2017 -


No doubt Olivia has transcended into the heavens lending her most miraculous singing voice. 


Hope you get to enjoy this magnificent day and upcoming weekend as owners of our own business(es) in partnership with each other. Joanne and I look forward to returning to the office and a more normal routine starting Monday as we continue to improve in our battle with Covid-19, and in my case Bronchitis as well. This was a tough one that I am grateful is slowly fading into the past with each passing day. 



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